Since then, my eyeball has become bright red, my eyelid has practically swollen shut, and a stye was discovered over near my tear duct. Basically, my eye was starting to look like Sloth's from The Goonies...only one eye wasn't halfway down my face.

Anyway...despite the fact that a stye might not seem that funny, there have been a few things that have happened that I can't help but laugh at.
1. I gave in and went to the doctor on Tuesday. While I sat in the waiting room, a unique-looking man walked up to the counter. When the girl asked what they would be seeing him for he replied "They told me to come back when I wasn't on something." Uhhh...yeah.
2. When my mother-in-law found out about my problem, the first thing she said was, "I would LOVE to see that!" Seriously??
3. The fluorescent lights in my office are irritating for my eye, so I kept them off today. A man walked into my office and asked what was wrong and I told him about my eye. He proceeds to tell me that he's had styes so severe that the doctor has had to CUT THEM OUT OF HIS EYELID!!! "Yeah, it's no big deal. They just roll up your eyelid and cut 'em on out." No big deal?!?!??! That was the least comforting news I've heard all week.
Here's hoping that my new eye drops will make me good as new by the end of the weekend! I'm tired of looking like a freak at work.