Saturday, January 24, 2009

Super Bowl Fever

I am beyond excited right now because the Steelers have made it into the Super Bowl! As the final minutes of the game against the Baltimore Ravens ticked away, I sat preparing the menu for my Super Bowl party. More on that in a future post.
But one of the biggest things that got me into the Super Bowl spirit was a little care package from my mom. What was in it? None other than Eat 'n Park's famous smiley face cookies done in black and gold in honor of the Steelers. Ahh, there's nothing like a little taste of home.
So now we're just gathering our party supplies and getting ready for the big game. Check back on Super Bowl Sunday to get a look at our Pittsburgh-inspired menu.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Resolutions...a few days late

I realize that everyone else on the planet made their resolutions several days ago. But instead of jumping on the typical resolution bandwagon (you know - exercise every day, no junk food, and publishing one's memoirs) I've decided to go for the realistic goals. So, I present to you my very doable resolutions for 2009:

1. I will not hit snooze more than three times each morning.
2. I will not consider clothes laying on the floor of my closet as 'put away'.
3. I won't drink coffee after 7pm (totally screws up my bedtime routine).
4. I will not be ashamed of eating cold leftovers for breakfast (hey, at least I'm eating something).
5. In an effort to break out of a rut, I'll listen to a new music artist every month. Who knows what new tunes I'll find out that I like?
6. Find one new publication to submit my writing to.
7. To preserve my marriage I will not go on snowy hikes, like the Jenny Lake Hike we went on following this photo op:
8. I'll stay better connected to my friends.
9. Watch more Food Network, HGTV, and E!
10. Have a major celebration when Nick graduates in December!