Jerilyn: Hey, maybe we should only give one piece per kid so we don't run out.
Nick: Yeah, that's a good idea until we see how many come by.
Nick: Oh, I see some trick-or-treaters walking down the street.
Jerilyn: Cool. Maybe they'll stop here next.
Nick: Are these stinkin' kids gonna stop here or what?
Jerilyn: I know. We've got the porch light on. What more do they need?
Nick: I don't know, but I'm going to have some candy.
Jerilyn: Me, too. Toss me a box of Nerds.

Two boys dressed as Spider Man come to the door. Our attack dog, Oliver, donning his snappy red bandana, greeted them.
Boys: Twick-or-Tweat.
We hand out two pieces of candy to each of them.
Jerilyn on the phone with Kim: How many kids have you had?
Kim: About 50.
Jerilyn: 50?!?!?! We've had 3.
Kim: One of them was dressed like a box of popcorn.
Jerilyn talking to Nick: Have we had any interesting costumes?
Nick: We've had THREE kids, Jerilyn!
Kim: Well, I'm sure more will come. It's only...oh, it's already 8:30!
Giant suburban full of candy-seeking kids pulls up and unloads directly in front of our front door.
Jerilyn: Hey, there's a ton of kids getting out of that car. I bet they're coming over here.
Kids take off down the road and they and their vehicle are never to be seen again all evening. Nick & Jerilyn each devour a box of Junior Mints.
Nick walks outside to scope out the situation. He returns with a grim report.
Nick: There are no kids to be found ANYWHERE! They've disappeared.
At this point, Drunk Dave, who lives diagonal to our house and decorates more for Halloween than Christmas, has blown out the candles in his jack-o-lanterns and called it a night. Nick and I take that as the signal that trick-or-treating has officially ended.
In the infamous words of Homestar Runner, "This is the worst Decemberween ever."
well hopefully you will have a good actual decemberween, since we'll be together.
Ahh, that's sad! We had less trick or treaters than normal too. More candy for Justin and Nick. (Which is exactly what they DON'T need)
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