Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I've upgraded to semi-outdoorsy!

This past weekend, Nick and I, along with three other couples, stayed at a cabin on Table Rock Lake. That's right - three whole days to swim, kayak, and generally be outdoors. Now, I'm really not the outdoorsy type and right now pretty much anyone who really knows me is probably thinking that I was most likely bored out of my mind all weekend. But you would be wrong. I had a blast!
The girls all got in the water and we joined our rafts together to create a party barge. We floated around and at one point Nick even tied a rope onto his kayak and dragged all four of our rafts around the cove. I wish I had a picture of that one, but I don't.
One thing that I really loved was kayaking. Nick and I spent a good amount of time paddling along the shoreline and exploring the coves. It was incredible! (A quick side note: I went kayaking for the first time back in April and by the time we were done, my arms and shoulders were killing me. Since then I've started doing yoga on a regular basis and I'll tell you what - paddling was a piece of cake this time! In fact, I even kayaked mulitple times in one day.)
We even took our sweet little Oliver with us. He didn't like swimming, but he definitely liked floating on the rafts, riding in Nick's kayak, and playing with Dave & Randi's son, Ben.
I know that some of you are probably still in shock that I willingly participated in outdoor activities and, yes, enjoyed them. Others are wondering who I am and what happened to the real Jerilyn. Well, I did manage to stay true to Jerilyn form this weekend - I finished the final 80% of a book I was reading (I am SO my mother's daughter).
So there you have it...to the shock and surprise of many (including myself) I have officially upgraded to being semi-outdoorsy!

1 comment:

foodierachel said...

Jay-Z to B: "Mamma let me upgrade you"