Thursday, July 12, 2007

The value of good friends and a greasy burger

I know that this sounds like a fairly serious subject for a first post, but it's going somewhere, I promise. Yesterday afternoon was probably one of the crummiest days of my life, second only to today. I suffered a big disappointment and just felt overwhelmingly defeated in life. As it clearly states in the girls' handbook, when you face a situation like this, there's only one way to treat it: self-medicate with incredibly unhealthy food and, if possible, ice cream.
I followed the handbook's advice and headed straight for Burger King. A BK Stacker and half a container of french fries later, my mood had improved a bit. A dose of ice cream followed, but I still had that lingering feeling of disappointment in the back of my mind.
Ready to face a new day, I went off to work this morning and was surprised to find myself getting teary not once, but twice in my 6 minute drive to the office! Still nursing my wounds, I put on a brave face and attempted to get on with my work, but not without first asking for help from the person who I know has always been there for me: my mom. If there was ever a person you want to go to when you're feeling low, she's the one. She lets me be angry and frustrated about my situation and then gives me the BEST pep talks in the entire world. I told her that I'd need an extra dose of prayer to get through the day and she came through. Shaking off those nagging feelings of self-doubt, I plowed ahead with my work. After all, Indy07 is only three and a half weeks away!
You've got to know that I don't just have co-workers at my office, I've got incredible friends. We're talking fabulous friend jackpot. After explaining my situation, I was flooded with words of encouragement - not false compliments or well wishes, but truly uplifting words. Things were definitely looking up and my mood had seriously improved.
It still amazes me to think that even in what would appear to me to be setbacks, God still has a plan. And not only that, He provides the encouragement and support that I need in those times in the form of family and friends.
This morning, in our staff devotions, the verse we focused on was Isaiah 40:31. It says, "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." It's funny how the most appropriate verse can hit you at just the right time. This was a huge encouragement to me today, and maybe it can be for you, too.
I promise my next post will be on the lighter side!!!


Anonymous said...

By the way...I was the one who suggested BK double stackers.

kayjay said...

I love you Jerilyn. You are awesome.

foodierachel said...

I'm glad your day turned out better than it started, still sucks though. By the way, I'd be up for the junk food run anytime. You don't even have to have another bad day.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.